dinsdag 22 juli 2008

alaska : prince rupert-haines-kenaipeninsula-anchorage

Hello everybody,

In a minute i ll give a report of the next part of my travels but first i want to thank everybody who has given a answer, an advice, ask a question or anything else. It is nice to now that somebody is reading this.

Prince Rupert-Haines-Haines Junction-Tok-Valdez-ferry to Whittier-Rv to Seward-Anchorage.

Total biking distance : 3715km (2300miles)

On tuesday, july 1, i left Prince Rupert on a ferry towards Haines but first i celebrated Canadaday. I met the mayor, had some free cake and enjoyed some performances.
On the ferry i met Isabelle a friend of my host Michael and also a cyclist. We had a good conversation but she left at the next harbor.

The scenery on the inlandpassage is wonderfull and i saw a lot of whales. It was very impressing and also the reason why i took this way of travelling.
I also met an american couple, Joelle and Walter, who are cycling toward Anchorage and will follouw the same road as me. They ride on a "tandem". Sorry i dont know the english word for it but they ride on the same bicycle so with two on ome bike. This makes them faster than me when it is flat or downhill but a lot slower uphill. On Friday we will pass several times which is a lot of fun.
In the evening as i am setting up my tent they arrive. They wanted to camp on a campingsite but that was closed because a bear killed a moose calf and eats a whole week from it. It is to dangerous to camp there. Joelle is very scared of bears and want to cycle on but the next camping is to far. After they put up their tent a guy they met earlier comes to pick them up and bring them to the camping. I stay.
That night around 1am somebody (a passing driver) wakes me up and tells me that there is a bear 400m away from me. I make some noise and look around but never see a bear.
The next day i cycle to Haines Junction near the Kluane NP but first i make a small hike to a lake where i see a porcupine. My first.
I also meet Anna. She is from the Netherlands and for the first time in weeks i speak my motherlanguage. She and her boyfriend Alister (Australia) cycle the whole panamerican HW from Predhoe Bay (norhtalaska) to Ushuia. (the most southern point of SouthAmerica). They will be on the road for 2 years.

In Kluane NP i make a three day hike along the Alsek River which is very beautifull. It is the reminder of an ancient glacier with glacierlakes. I have to do my first creekcrossing and i am a whole day without people and without the noice of civalication. I like it.

The next 6 days i bike very hard to make to a ferry in Valdez. I cycle 880km with a headwind. There is a lot of roadconstruction going on between the border and Tok. I have no bad luck but Joelle and Walter do. They damage all their tyres and take a bus to Anchorage from Tok. They have to wait there for 2 days and that is way i meet them again.
I meet also the Vogel family from southern USA but with roots in the Netherlands. The two boys want to be the youngest ever to cycle the panamerican HW. They plan to be on the road for 2,5 years. Their website is www.familyonbikes.com

I make on time to the ferry and that means i have the possibility to cycle on the kenaipeninsula.
There is one problem : after Whittier there is a tunnel where you are not allowed to cycle. On the ferry i meet a couple from Schwitzerland, Barbara and Marcus, who are willing to take me with them on their rented RV. We get along and we go together to Seward. On tuesday we also do some seekayaking together. After that we say goodbye. They have to go to Anchorage to return the RV and than they fly to San Francisco for another week of holiday. That will be the end of their honeymoon.

On wednesday the wheather turns bad and i cant do a hike along the exitglacier. On thursday it is a bit better and i make the hike. I spend several hours walking on snow before i reach the Harding icefields. This is one of the biggest icefields in the world accept for those on the north and south pole. It is magnificent although there are some clouds who block the sight.

I forgot to say that on the ferry through Prince William Sound (a bay known for its wild life) i see a lot of whales, sea lions, birds and a calving glacier. I am very happy i took this way to Anchorage.

When i start cycling again thursday late afternoon it start raining again and i get very sooked. I continous for 24 hours. This is anohter reason that i dont see to much of the Kenaipeninsula. The Seward HW is a part of the official scenic Byways. It is very sad but what can you do?

Friday and Saturday i cycle to Anchorage alongside the turnagain arm, named so by the famous captain James Cook. It is fantastic.

Tomorrow i leave (if the wheather permits me) to cycle to the Denalli State and NP and do some hiking there.

This was everything for now,

many greetings,


7 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Leuke verhalen Nico. Die beren blijven u wel achtervolgen he. Die walvissen zien moet echt wel een bangelijk zicht geweest zijn. Keep us up to date. Ciaokes van Tom

Anoniem zei

Hoi Nico, hopelijk breng je wat beeldmateriaal mee van al dat mooi's daar. Ben zelf naar de Haute Provence in Frankrijk geweest. Veel fietsers gezien. Moest dan telkens aan u denken. Nico is nu ook aan het pezen. Natuurlijk was het daar veel interessanter dan waar wij zaten, maar heeft toch deugd gedaan. Lekker zonnetje en mooie natuur. Nico hou je goed, geen tegenslagen en tot het volgende verslag.
collega Marleen

Anoniem zei

Yip Nico,

gezien die beer u links laat liggen, moet gij volgens mij al serieus stinken !
Wat het thuisfront betreft :
Tommeke heeft inderdaad op een feestje een lijntje teveel gesnoven waardoor hij dus ook de tour de france op zijn buik mag schrijven. De tour is hetzelfde als vorig jaar. duizende journalisten op zoek naar een dopingverhaal en ook dit jaar hebben ze al verschillende dagen hun slag thuis gehaald. Frank Schleck staat op dit mmooment aan de leiding.

Onze Leterme heeft inderdaad zijn ontslag aangeboden maar onze roi belge heeft dit niet aanvaard. er zijn nu 3 wijzen aangeduid om te zien wat mogelijk is rond de staatshervorming. Resultaat moet er zijn einde van de maand.
Allez, nog veel plezier en tot de volgende !!!

Anoniem zei

Kill those freaking bears, they're delicious on a barbecue :) Cheers from Leuven!

Anoniem zei


I hope that you made it to your next camp ground before the rain began! I just wanted to let you know that you left one of your shirts at my house. If you get this soon and are not too far from Anchorage give me a call and I will bring it out to you or let me know where I can send it. When you only have 4 shirts for a year you need them all!


Anoniem zei

Hey Nico,
Hier een berichtje van ons Anneke :.)Zo te lezen heb je al veel meegemaakt, maar ook al veel mooie dingen gezien.Ik wacht vol spanning op je volgende verslag.15 augustus is het mijn beurt om op vakantie te gaan,10 dagen Spanje daar ga ik eens goe van genieten.
Alé tot de volgende hé,en zijt toch maar voorzichtig daar met die beren :.) Voor je het weet eet hij een oor af :.)groetjes Ann

pirre zei

hey Nico,
Het is prachtig wat je meemaakt en ziet,dat maken we in drie levens niet mee.
Veel succes nog en een goede gezondheid en niet teveel pech.
groeten Pirre